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Restylane Fillers

Restylane Fillers

Restylane® LYFT™ is our firmest dermal filler and is suited for lifting the cheeks, enhancing the jawline or chin, or reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

Restylane® DEFYNE™ If you have a thinner tissue coverage, could be preferred as it is slightly softer and more flexible.

Restylane® Contour™ for a more ideal shape to your face.



Restylane Fillers

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Frequently Asked Questions

Restylane DEFYNE and Restylane LYFT are fillers that give good support, to provide long-lasting shape, structure and definition to areas such as your nose, chin and jawline. Helping you sharpen up your look while remaining true to yourself.

Why lift with RESTYLANE®?

Our facial bones give shape and structure to our face. As we age, bone resorption increases, leading to loss of definition and contours, especially at the posterior part of the jawline. Another consequence of aging is volume loss in the mid face, which could lead to flat cheeks, saggy skin and jowling. Creating a lift with RESTYLANE® will compensate for these changes. Another reason for lift with RESTYLANE® could be that you have a desire to enhance your facial features and bring out your individuality, no matter your age.

Restylane® DEFYNE™ and Restylane® LYFT™ can be tailored to any individual look to give you the freedom to be original. Restylane® LYFT™ is our firmest dermal filler and is suited for lifting the cheeks, enhancing the jawline or chin, or reducing the appearance of wrinkles. If you have a thinner tissue coverage, Restylane® DEFYNE™ could be preferred as it is slightly softer and more flexible.

Treatments with Restylane® DEFYNE™ last up to at least 1 year. Restylane® LYFT™ lasts up to at least 24 months with one retreatment.

Replace Contour with Contour

Do you spend a lot of time and money on contouring makeup to shape your face? With an application of Restylane Contour, you could save many hours shaping your face with contour makeup, since the procedure will give you a more ideal shape to begin with. You might even use less makeup on other parts of your face if you felt you were compensating for weaker cheekbones. While Restylane or another procedure might seem pricey, if it replaces hundreds of dollars of makeup each year, never mind the time spent applying that makeup, it could be much cheaper than the initial cost indicates. Of course, if you enjoy makeup, then stronger cheekbones can give you more options to play with as well!

Redo, Undo, Copy & Paste

While most people are happy with the results, if you are unsatisfied, it is easy to have a second procedure to apply more Contour or another Restylane product, or the product can be dissolved to return your face to its original state. Since the healing period is typically brief compared to a surgical procedure, you don’t have to worry about a permanent or long-term, unwanted change or many months of healing. Some patients might prefer or require a permanent, surgical procedure for the results they want, but if you are feeling unsure, Contour is a great temporary solution, try-out, or even a safe, yearly procedure.

Additional information


Restylane® LYFT™, Restylane® DEFYNE™, Restylane® Contour™

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