My Wishlist

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add products and services to my wishlist?

Browse our shop and click the “Add to wishlist” button from the desired item’s page.

How do I share a link to my wishlist?

Click “Manage Your Lists” and change your list’s privacy settings to “shared” or “public.” Then open the list and copy its url to send it by email, text, social media, etc. If you prefer to keep your list private, you can download a pdf of your list from the “Manage Your Lists” page.

How do I create a new wishlist?

Click “Create A Wishlist” and save it with a new title. When you click an item’s “Add to wishlist” button, you will be asked to select which list you want to use.

How do I delete a list?

Click “Manage Your Lists” and select the “Delete” button. You will be asked to confirm your action. Once deleted, a list cannot be recovered.

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