Kybella Treatments
Kybella, from the makers of Botox, is a pioneering new treatment designed to combat submental fullness (chin fat) and create a sleeker, more defined jawline. Kybella treatments are currently on the rise at ENT Aesthetics, and we’re recommending it to more and more people who want to achieve a sleeker and more youthful profile.
What is Kybella?
Kybella is a patented product made from synthetic deoxycholic acid, which is a naturally occurring molecule that helps to break down dietary fat. By injecting it into chin fat, Kybella causes fat cells to be quickly destroyed and absorbed by the body’s metabolism. It also prevents future chin fat from accumulating in order to permanently minimize the appearance of submental fullness. Many people have Kybella in Fort Wayne to achieve a more defined chin profile.
Submental fullness, also known as ‘chin fat’ or ‘double chin’, can occur in people of all ages, shapes, and sizes. Some people are simply more susceptible to submental fullness, while others may notice that it occurs as they age when skin and tissues all over the body become more susceptible to sagging. Contrary to popular belief, submental fullness does not necessarily occur in those who are overweight and can be experienced by people with a healthy BMI; chin fat can simply be a stubborn area that cannot be reduced through diet and exercise alone. It can make people appear heavier or older than they really are, and eliminating it is a fantastic way for people to appear younger and slimmer, and feel more confident.
In Fort Wayne, Kybella is a non-invasive treatment. It is simply injected into the chin fat with the total procedure taking just 15 to 20 minutes. As with other injectable procedures, there can be some discomfort, but it is possible to use a topical anesthetic to gently numb the treatment area.
Multiple Kybella treatments are sometimes needed to achieve the best results, but when you visit us for Kybella our experienced staff will tailor a unique treatment plan for you and will advise on the number of treatments you are likely to need. Many of our Kybella patients begin to see results in as little as two sessions.
In Fort Wayne, Kybella is FDA approved for use in the chin area to reduce submental fullness, which means it has officially been deemed a safe procedure. It only targets fat cells and will not damage any other cells or tissues in the treatment areas so you don’t have to worry about other harmful effects. At ENT Aesthetics we are renowned for providing the utmost care and expertise, so you can rest assured that your Kybella treatments will be completely safe.
Since it is a non-surgical procedure, Kybella does not require any significant downtime once the 15-20 minute treatment is over. Patients usually experience some swelling and a little tenderness for a few days after their injections; this occurs as the body metabolizes the broken down fat cells. Swelling can remain for up to two weeks, but it is not severe enough to prevent you from continuing with your usual daily life.